Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What I've been working on

As I'm sure you all can see I'm still trying to get the hang of this whole blogging thing! Really to tell the truth I'm trying to figure out a lot of things right now! You see I'm in the process of building my business and I've tried a few things now.  So far word of mouth and facebook have by far been  the best for me.  But I'm working on etsy, craft shows, & I've even started selling in a local craft shop.  I honestly don't know how you all do it! I feel like I've spent countless hours researching how to make my blog, etsy, etc successful and increase traffic! Maybe it's my impatient nature, but I'm ready to get this show on the road! But I know I should blog more, so for you all I'm looking for some ideas of weekly posts I can link up to to make myself blog more! Please any tips/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

So now on to the what I've been working on part! I have recently been working with a local photographer and my friend Kari from A Mother's Hobby Photography {Check her out on Facebook...she's amazing} Well this kind soul has been helping me with my business , her and her hubs are even building me a website!  So here's some of my recent worked photographed by Kari

Models: Emmarie {my adorable new niece}, Jenna {my preggo friend at work}, and Graci {Kari's beautiful little girl}

<3 Samantha