Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Brand new blog and already MIA

Ok so I know I just started this darn thing and have already been MIA for quite sometime.  I have a really good excuse I promise....Craft Shows!! I have done them for 4 weekends in a row now!  Crazy I know, but it was really a good experience.  I didn't sell tons of items or anything, but it was great to get to know other local vendors and mingle with them hearing about their experiences. So I am now utilizing my time trying to take what I have learned and applying it to building my business. I am really excited for this new year and whats to come.  So now some pictures from the craft shows...any comments would be totally appreciated!! I know I have a lot to learn!!

And this last one because I couldn't resist a picture of Mr. Cuteness!!

1 comment:

  1. Craft shows are such fun! Stopping over via the blog hop! So nice to meet you!I'm a new follower :)

